Slack shifts to async, or does it?
Slack isn’t a remote-first company by any measure, their job listings are for office or remote-in-the-same-state. The product they create embodies Conway’s Law perfectly by favouring synchronous, unstructured communication.
A year after remote work gained momentum, Slack is now adding features like async voice and video.
I’m skeptical because on the supply side, Slack employees do not work remotely, so they need extra effort to empathise and understand the problem they’re solving. On the demand-side, yes Slack has a huge market share, but how many within that share actually care about remote work in the long-term? And finally, because Slack is approaching the problem of remote work with features.
Remote work isn’t about adopting a feature or two, it’s a culture. Let’s see how it plays out, I’m setting a reminder for a year in the future.
(I also can’t stop cringing at the marketing-esque tweet that references a “study” that’s actually just anecdotical evidence, no methodology, no control, nothing. It’s fine, no one looks behind the curtain if we print the words “Stanford” on it, right?)
Office: est. 1726
In England at least, keep reading.
It’s nice to stop for a moment and think: alright, so when did offices and office districts actually became a thing?
A quick search reveals the push for office structures dates back to Roman times, the first office buildings in England around the industrial revolution, the birth of the open-plan office thanks to Frank Lloyd Wright (honey, we gotta talk), and more (source, source).
From memory, I recall there’s always been tension between remote and on-site.
You’d think the push for remote work would always come from a small group of mavericks, but:
As early as 1998, Sun invested into remote work because they had products for remote work, and to cut costs (for some reason, they believed sales and managers needed to share body heat and couldn’t be remote).
Earlier, in 1992, British Telecom was in the same boat: we sell internet, you should work remotely and buy our services.
Even further back in the 1950s or so, people like Walt Disney (the futurist), envisioned that we'd work from home computers.
So it’s kinda interesting to see that for the service industry, the preference for offices has oscillated throughout the times.
Wonder how the office will evolve from this point forward.
The technology for the “transmission of intellectual value over long distances” has existed since the 60s (ref), and commoditised over time.
The culture of remote work, however, is still very much in the genesis stage: some have it, most don’t.
Remote work isn’t using Zoom or Slack, it’s changing behaviours.
The critical change in behaviour required for remote work is trusting each other.
Radical candour helps you achieve that trust.
On the management side, you build trust by being candid about the challenges ahead. There’s no point in blinding your team to a risk, leadership is caring about the whole team and getting everyone to focus on overcoming that risk. Part of that involves making sure everyone is on the same page.
As a contributor, candour shows leadership is in control, or at least has the same or greater situational awareness. There’s nothing worse for trust than feeling like leadership is asleep at the wheel. Trust is reciprocated, and trust between both parties is the best way to ensure everyone shares information with each other, no matter if positive or negative (there’s no bad information).
I’ve known people who hid information from each other because they feared how others would take the bad news, that it would demotivate or panic people. We’re all adults, don’t do that. Be candid, show the hard truth, and how you plan for the team to overcome that challenge.
The value of trust is as clear as water for me, if you need any reinforcement, listen or read my notes to the A16Z podcast episode about “Teams, Trust and Object Lessons” with Ben Horowitz (A16Z) and Dick Costolo (ex-Twitter), or this tweet from Tony Fadell.

What Comes After Radical Candour (Twitter thread)
Is radical candour a privilege?
Kim’s article sheds light on what it means to put radical candour in practice when you’re not a white straight man: it means risking promotions, pushback and name-calling.

Report finds going remote made workplaces more hostile for already marginalized groups
Bullies will be bullies, online chat and meetings gives them the courage they lacked in the office.
For women promised more, a year that “shattered our reality”
“Your job doesn’t understand that you have kids, and your kids don’t understand that you have a job.“
Heart-breaking stories, important to understand how we have to change as a society to make work, remote or otherwise, equitable for women.
Why remote working could actually help fix some diversity problems | WIRED UK
On a more positive note, remote work helps make your workforce more diverse.
The commute and office environment makes work harder for a lot of people. Fortunately post-COVID remote work requests are allowed more often, resulting in fairer working environments.
A Year Later: How’s the Office Looking?
According to this article by The Information, most staff want 3-5 days working remotely, but few expect their employers to deliver on that.
And they’re right, despite the success of fully-remote companies like Doist, Buffer, Zapier, or GitLab, only Cameo seems to have fully committed to this collaboration model:
- Mostly Office: Apple, Netflix, Google, Goldman Sachs
- Hybrid: Microsoft, Uber, Salesforce, Facebook, Spotify, Adobe, Pinterest, Twilio, Cisco, Snap, Zendesk, Box, Twitter, Square, Nvidia, Zoom, Zillow, HSBC
- Remote-first: Shopify, Dropbox, Affirm
- Fully remote: Cameo, and maybe: Airbnb, Amazon
Note how most companies opted for a hybrid remote work policy. We know hybrid remote doesn’t work well because the collaboration constraints are different, and when that happens, it’s the majority that gets prioritised.
The majority of these companies will revert back to office as default, claim to have given remote a chance, and write it off.
I think we’re missing serious critical thinking about what the problems of office, hybrid, and remote work are. In the majority of conversations I’ve observed, people are very quick to assign a cause to a problem and deem it unsolvable.
I’ve recently listened to the Another Podcast episode “Notes on a year of remote work” (here's my notes).
In this episode, the consensus is that remote work tools and etiquette aren’t there. Saying remote work is the future is a bit presumptuous of me, because I know friends and coworkers who really struggle with it, but this William Gibson quote comes to mind:
The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed.
Sure, tools for remote work can be improved, so much so, that it’s actually my day job at Doist. But remote work is already possible with the state tools like Twist are currently at. The challenge right now is teaching people what healthy remote work looks like, which in my experience is also valuable for office work: trust built through candour, collaboration built into process, strategy through critical thinking, etc.
Claims that “remote lacks serendipity”, usually followed by examples like “you can’t just start, overhear, or join a conversation when working remotely” are very strange. I dunno, I’ve had more serendipity working remotely because I’m not limited to conversations that are happening right now, or somewhere around me. I can passively listen and participate in sales, marketing, or support discussions, as well as chat or setup a meeting with one or more people if needs be, without worrying about meeting room availability or if someone’s in the office or not.
Every working style has its challenges which you can identify and tackle. You can also just say remote or office work isn’t for you, but writing off either style, without trying to solve its problems first, doesn’t sound fair.
- WPP on The Future Of Advertising - YouTube
- WPP saves $30M USD/Month on travel because of COVID
- 2% of WPP employees want to work from the office 5 days/week
- WPP CXOs now talk directly instead of relying on middle-people
- WPP spends $7BN USD/Year on Google
- HBR: Making the Leap to a Digital-First Enterprise - pdf
- 78% say digital product users have formed lasting habits during the pandemic and that their digital adoption has accelerated and will never return to previous levels.
- COVID has accelerated customer acquisition, time to focus on retention.
- 12 Charts That Show How Tech Took Off During a Year of Shutdowns - article
- Average broadband consumption per household rose 40% in the US
- San Francisco office vacancy rate highest since 2005
- Delivery services, Discord, Zoom, TikTok saw the biggest increases in 2020
- Rush to create new tech companies and to go public to capitalise on the pandemic market
- Bitcoin value increased 6x
- A small indie developer found “users are more than willing to use their Apple accounts when encouraged to do so”: Apple 42%, Email 41%, Facebook 9%, Google 8%. - source
- 6,000 music albums were released in the UK in 1984. Today, streaming services make available a similar volume - 55,000 new songs - every day. - free source, paywall source
- "Apple users take a trillion photos a year. Peak for film was around 80bn, in 1999” - source
- Zero-click Google searches rose to nearly 65% in 2020 - source
- According to Google, this is because in 2020 more people reformulated their queries, looked up quick facts, searched for local businesses, opened results directly in an app. 🤔
The a16z Marketplace 100: 2021
Numbers pulled from the period of 2020-2021 have no predictive value, kinda surprised this report was published anyway.
Customers had no choice but to use pet marketplaces, e-commerce, and other categories.
The stickiness of these trends will be down to how much of this growth would have happened anyway with the right incentives.
Lockdown puppies signal the pet marketplace bubble will burst soon. Neither governments nor customers will prefer breakfast, lunch, and dinner to be a Uber Eats/Deliveroo order, these too will pop.

Digital government during the coronavirus crisis
Lengthy, but interesting document on how COVID got the UK government to address some of its dysfunctions.
- Project Unblock: enable cross-department collaboration by unblocking collaboration software
- Buy vs Build: use AWS and similar services to avoid reinventing the wheel
- Unify tooling: manage staff absence with a single product for better insights
There’s also an acknowledgement for the success of remote work within the government, and a call for it to continue, enabled by the addressing of these dysfunctions.
I often say more staff or funding isn’t the answer to all problems, by addressing simple issues within its practice, the UK Government has, for some of its services, improved delivery lead time from months to weeks, and customer satisfaction from 60% to 90%.
The cost? Far less than additional staff, the biggest struggle really was department politics is what I gather by reading that document.
HelloSign moves into digital workflow with new HelloWorks product
"Where we shine is in helping automate complex document-centric processes that need legal binding to complete. (…) this isn’t about becoming a general workflow engine (…). They are concentrating on critical business processes that are generally tied to revenue, but which have been traditionally done on paper or pdf.”
Smart, this was in 2017, they’ve since been acquired by Dropbox (same mission of simplifying document-centric processes).
The challenge with document signing is that it’s not just about collecting a signature. A single entity may have one or more documents sent to the same customer at different times, paper documents offload the complexity of conditional logic to the signee, etc.
Although their broader mission definitely resulted in more features being added to HelloSign, they were perhaps the features that were highly relevant to the processes their customers identify with, and where HelloSign previously came in as just part of the solution.
And Finally…
Letterlocking: a vintage technique to deter snoops from before envelopes were available.
Just a fascinating piece of history.
Reminder: this newsletter isn’t a link dump.
I receive a lot of newsletters that are basically link dumps, I find them time-consuming.
I read and summarise every link in this newsletter, so you don’t have to.
Sometimes procrastinating works out in the end.
A year ago, we started this “forced remote work” experiment because of COVID.
Friends and colleagues struggled with this, as did many other people. As a result, I felt motivated to write this intro article (also in podcast form), and this remote work guide.
The situation was unprecedented, and although it motivated me to restart this newsletter, I then was forced to switch jobs, and again 6 months later, and to be honest I preferred playing Last of US II to maintaining this newsletter or creating blog content. I’ve been sharing product management and design knowledge with friends and people at work instead, which requires a bit less time and provides immediate feedback.
The good thing about this year-long procrastination is that I ended up with a newsletter draft that worked a bit like a time-capsule.
If it matters, I’m all-for remote work and have for the last 20 years had the best social, educational, and work experiences remotely.
But not everyone has the same experience as me.